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AI and Data for real human progress

Our custom built products...

Use technology and code that we have acquired over many years of experience in the Industry.

A new company with "old" heads.

Natural Language Processing

We use a combination of machine learning and deep learning to provide unique insights that combine sentiment, classification and prediction.


We use the lates AI technologies and our own proprietary deep learning techniques to extract information from visual sources.

Unsupervised Learning

We extract hidden patterns using techniques such as clustering and Latent Dirichlet Allocation.


We invest in a research and development capabilities and use techniques such as GANs and subsumption architectures to provide the latest breakthroughs for our clients.

"Data is the new oil".

Let us help you refine and use it.

We are your data and AI implementation partner

We know that AI will impact your business in some way shape or form (as it will with all businesses.

Why don't you contact us to see if our products and / or our services can help you.


No matter what stage you are at we are ready partner with you and help you navigate the data and AI landscape. 

Our services


Big data strategy and implementation review


Data re-platforming , architecture and analytics


AI discovery and educational workshops


AI strategy and requirements analysis


Implementation of an operational AI solution




84 % of executives say they won't achieve their growth objectives.


75% of executives believe they risk going out of business in 5 years if they can't scale AI


76 % of executives acknowledge they know how to pilot, but struggle to scale AI across their business

The VectorX difference

The difference at VectorX is our people. We have a passion for AI and using AI to solve real business and human problems

We are made up of passionate software engineers at heart. All our products and services have been designed and developed by our in-house team by combining our years of software engineering with our deep knowledge and expertise in AI.

This vast experience in a multitude of industries has given us a unique insight into the businesses and their challenges. 

Our ongoing relationships with businesses and leading academics ensure that we are not only on the cutting edge of AI technologies and research but also bring with us business knowledge and acumen to your business.

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